Fred Gillen Jr.


Walk Quietly

I want to carry the world like a light jacket
I just put on in a gentle, Spring rain
and when the sun finally comes
it’s like you’ve never seen it and you may never again

oh oh walk quietly
oh oh tread lightly

I want to walk in the world like snow shoes
float on the surface and not sink in
surrounded by the silence the snow brings
broken only by when the birds sing

oh oh walk quietly
oh oh tread lightly

do no damage
do no harm
leave no trace
make no mark

I want to float through the world like drift wood
bleached by the sun and smoothed by the sand
unencumbered by rough edges
going wherever the current passes

oh oh walk quietly
oh oh tread lightly
oh oh walk quietly
oh oh tread lightly

Posted Monday, June 24th 2024


Canyon of Light

==>06/24/2024    Walk Quietly
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 06/24/2024    Firefly In a Jar
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