Fred Gillen Jr.


Firefly In a Jar

a firefly in a jar
your light beams
for just one person to see
eventually she falls asleep
and when she wakes up
you’re already gone

don’t let your light shine on blind eyes
if you’re gonna burn islet it shine for all to see

in its chrysalis
color contained
but foreshadowing
until an early frost
freezes it forever that way

don’t let your light shine on blind eyes
if you’re gonna burn islet it shine for all to see

like a city skyline in a
blackout seems to disappear
just one window lighting up
reminds us that we’re all still here

don’t let your light shine on blind eyes
if you’re gonna burn islet it shine for all to see

a firefly in a jar
open lid but he can’t see
if he just keeps climbing
he can escape and be free

Posted Monday, June 24th 2024


Canyon of Light

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==>06/24/2024    Firefly In a Jar
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