Fred Gillen Jr.


War Economy

It’s a war economy
without even going to war
billions of dollars come back
like a child’s pennies in a candy store

we’ve got no boots on the ground
but casualties flash by without a sound
none of use has to die
or be there when a mother cries

It’s a war economy
without even going to war
billions of dollars come back
like a child’s pennies in a candy store

aid trucks line up in vain
we shout at each other to block our shame
there’s more than enough blame
as children starve we look away

It’s a war economy
without even going to war
billions of dollars come back
like a child’s pennies in a candy store

kids on campuses protest
we demonize them and arrest
the police drag them away
while we distort what they say

there’s money everywhere you look
governments, companies, crooks
hand shakes and golf games abound
children starve without a sound

It’s a war economy
without even going to war
billions of dollars come back
like a child’s pennies in a candy store

Posted Monday, June 24th 2024


Canyon of Light

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==>06/24/2024    War Economy
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 06/24/2024    Canyon of Light
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