Fred Gillen Jr.



I see faces in my imagination
in the floors and in the walls
everywhere I look random lines become patterns
become faces

Posted Monday, June 24th 2024


Canyon of Light

 06/24/2024    Walk Quietly
 06/24/2024    Like Honey
 06/24/2024    We All Need a Hand
==>06/24/2024    Faces
 06/24/2024    War Economy
 06/24/2024    River of Money
 06/24/2024    Canyon of Light
 06/24/2024    Reach For the Sky
 06/24/2024    I Lost My Voice
 06/24/2024    We Only Grow Towards Light
 06/24/2024    Firefly In a Jar
 06/24/2024    Not Dead Yet

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