Fred Gillen Jr.


We All Need a Hand

I wake up every day and say thank you
that I don’t have to drink anymore
‘cause every time I drank I broke out in hand cuffs
from my allergy to alcohol
I never could stop by myself
though I tried for many years
I found out all I needed was to share my story
and listen to people like me with understanding ears
and now I’m not getting high with a little help from my friends

of all the mythologies in this great country
the most beloved is the myth of the self-made man
of all of our stories it’s the biggest fantasy
‘cause there are times in our lives when we all need a hand

I wake up every day and say thank you
as I open my refrigerator door
I’ve got all the food that I could possibly eat
healthy and fresh and secure
I’ve got electricity to keep things cool
for cooking and to keep on the lights
and heat to keep me from freezing
in the long, cold, dark winter nights

of all the mythologies in this great country
the most beloved is the myth of the self-made man
of all of our stories it’s the biggest fantasy
‘cause there are times in our lives when we all need a hand

live life like you’re gonna die
someday you’ll find out why
don’t wait until it’s too late
the only regrets are the risks you don’t take

of all the mythologies in this great country
the most beloved is the myth of the self-made man
of all of our stories it’s the biggest fantasy
‘cause there are times in our lives when we all need a hand

Posted Monday, June 24th 2024


Canyon of Light

 06/24/2024    Walk Quietly
 06/24/2024    Like Honey
==>06/24/2024    We All Need a Hand
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