Fred Gillen Jr.


Like Honey

you are like honey
sweet but not too sweet
thick and golden
I had to steal you from the bees

you are like honey
I can’t get enough
thick and golden
endless like a field of wheat

you are like honey
you cure my allergies
make me forget my pain
sweeten up my tea

you are like honey
some days bold, some bright
but always emanating
a soft, golden light

you are like honey
I pray you’re always around
filling my life with music
without making a sound

Posted Monday, June 24th 2024


Canyon of Light

 06/24/2024    Walk Quietly
==>06/24/2024    Like Honey
 06/24/2024    We All Need a Hand
 06/24/2024    Faces
 06/24/2024    War Economy
 06/24/2024    River of Money
 06/24/2024    Canyon of Light
 06/24/2024    Reach For the Sky
 06/24/2024    I Lost My Voice
 06/24/2024    We Only Grow Towards Light
 06/24/2024    Firefly In a Jar
 06/24/2024    Not Dead Yet

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