I just want to talk to myself at the supermarket I’m surrounded by people on their cell phones anyway I just want to have a conversation with a child sometimes without parents acting like I must be a pervert I guess they’d be offended if they knew That most of the time I find their children more interesting to talk to You didn’t think anyone noticed that you were crying Until I reached out and gently took your hand I don’t need you to tell me what’s wrong Ijust can’t stand here and do nothing while you cry all alone surrounded by sleepwalkers shouting at cell phones I demand the right to be myself I’m not hurting you so either love me or leave me alone I saw the lines in your face melt away as you smiled And I knew that somehow you would be o.k. I held your hand for just a second more Before I whispered “hang in there” and slowly walked away and I felt like John the Baptist like I did my best but my best was nothing but sometimes it takes next to nothing to help someone on their way I just want to talk to children at the supermarket Without their mothers grabbing them and dragging them away I don’t have any children of my own and I need some kid perspective every now and again to help me through my day every now and again to help me through my day and besides they need to talk to grownups sometimes anyway
Posted Wednesday, October 13th 2004