Fred Gillen Jr.


Sept. 13, 2001

On Sept. 13, I was scheduled to play at a poetry reading at Mercy College in Dobbs Ferry, New York. Being completely numb from the terrorist attacks on New York City, it was with some trepidation that I received the news that the event would go on as scheduled. I showed up at the college painfully early, feeling nauseous. I just couldn't imagine having to get up and perform, if anyone actually showed up at the event. I set up my equipment and waited for the show to start, trying not to worry.
I started the night by playing two songs which I thought might bring some comfort, "Keep On Laughing So You Don't Cry" and "Face Of Love." I think that people were ok with those choices but I really didn't think I could get through another song so I did a happy new one, "Cecelia," as an escape. Then the reading started. I sat and listened to poems about the disaster, one about the death of the poet's dog, the Gettyburg Address by Abraham Lincoln, and other pieces. This helped me to feel better. At the end, a powerpoint presentation which Mercy employee Gary Fetzer had prepared was shown on a movie screen, while I sang "Amazing Grace." Without prompting, everyone in the room began to sing, loud and strong with me. By the end of the song we were all bawling our eyes out, hugging, and feeling some healing. Some of the people in the room knew each other and some were perfect strangers but one thing I was sure of: God was there, too, singing along with us.
I thank everyone in that room for giving me my first little bit of healing and for reminding me that I am never alone!!!
Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Woody Allen says that 90% of life is showing up, and I'm so glad I showed up and even more glad the others in that room showed up.

Wednesday, September 19th 2001

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  04/21/2014     Hot Rod Pacer CD
  04/21/2014     Hot Rod Pacer CD
  02/26/2014     Teaching at a Songwriting Workshop
  05/20/2013     Wage Love T-shirts
  05/20/2013     Wage Love T-shirts
  11/21/2012     Pete Remembers Woody
  11/10/2012     Silence Of The Night Video by Michael Patrei
  10/6/2012     Pete Remembers Woody
  08/17/2012     August 2012
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  07/17/2012     FULL BAND CD RELEASE SHOW!
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  10/25/2011     Free Songs
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  03/23/2010     Review of Match Against A New Moon by Catherine Michaels of WHUD 100.7FM
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  11/30/2009     Blog
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  10/20/2009     Review of BIG GREEN HOPE MACHINE CD, by Michael Ruby, from Chronogram, 10/09
  06/17/2009     Coney Island Review by Skott Freedman at
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  02/5/2009     BIG GREEN HOPE MACHINE
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  08/12/2008     Coney Island Review
  07/13/2008     Coney Island Review By Skott Freedman at
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  08/13/2007     Pete, Matt, Tom
  05/19/2007     Clearwater Festival June 16 & 17
  04/26/2007     Spring
  01/22/2007     Cost Of Freedom
  10/23/2006     new e.p.
  04/17/2006     Gone Gone Gone
  12/15/2005     Studio News
  11/22/2005     Thank YOU!!!
  11/13/2005     NERFA
  09/26/2005     September
  08/22/2005     Downloading Fred Gillen Jr. Songs
  07/14/2005     Peace
  05/28/2005     Anthony daCosta, Alan Bigelow
  03/29/2005     the studio
  12/3/2004     Booking
  11/15/2004     Some great music in the Catskills!
  10/13/2004     getting music
  06/20/2004     September 11
  03/1/2004     Tribes Hill
  12/5/2003     Happy Holidays!!!
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  05/27/2003     Recording to start soon
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  01/13/2003     No News
  12/30/2002     Spring Tour
  11/25/2002     Hope
  11/16/2002     Tour of Germany
  10/30/2002     Free Live Music coming soon!
  10/14/2002     The Man
  08/12/2002     Review of Grace
  05/31/2002     Johnny Miles
  05/21/2002     Utica Rocks
  04/21/2002     Pierre
  03/22/2002     Brooklyn show
  03/14/2002     March 11, 2002
  03/11/2002     Music
  02/25/2002     German Tour
  02/13/2002     GRACE!
  01/8/2002     Songwriting
==> 09/19/2001     Sept. 13, 2001
  08/6/2001     Grace
  06/4/2001     Half Moon Sober Festival
  05/14/2001     Message to the kids in Utica

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